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Ms Josephine (Josie) Farrer MLA

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
FARRER, Josephine (Josie), MLA
Former Member for Kimberley
Australian Labor Party


Elected to the Thirty-Ninth Parliament for Kimberley on 9 March 2013 in succession to Carol Anne Martin (retired).
Re-elected 2017.
Did not contest the general election on 13 March 2021 and succeeded by Divina Grace D'Anna (ALP).

Standing Committees

Co-opted Member to the Education and Health Standing Committee's Inquiry into Aboriginal youth suicide in remote areas from 22 March 2016 to 17 November 2016.
Member, Education and Health Standing Committee from 23 May 2017 to 29 January 2021.

Select Committees

Member, Joint Select Committee on Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition from 2 December 2014 to 26 March 2015.



Born 24 September 1947, Halls Creek, Western Australia.

Qualifications and occupation before entering Parliament

Shire Council President and Councillor.


The electorate of Kimberley is located in the Mining and Pastoral Region and includes all or parts of the Shires of Broome, Derby-West Kimberley, Halls Creek and Wyndham-East Kimberley.
Comprising of all or parts of the localities of Bilingurr, Broome, Cable Beach, Camballin, Cambridge Gulf, Dampier Peninsula, Derby, Djugun, Drysdale River, Durack, Eighty Mile Beach, Fitzroy Crossing, Geegully Creek, Gibb, Gingerah, Halls Creek, Kalumburu, Kimbolton, King Leopold Ranges, Kununurra, Lagrange, Lake Argyle, McBeath, Meda, Minyirr, Mitchell Plateau, Mt Hardman, Mueller Ranges, Oombulgurri, Ord River, Prince Regent River, Purnululu, Roebuck, St George Ranges, Sturt Creek, Tanami, Warmun, Waterbank, Willare, and Wyndham.

Enrolment (2017) 16,844; area 421,011 sq kms.